DPS Wildlife Animal Removal 772-204-3240
DPS is helping relocate wildlife from residential areas back to their natural habitat one wild animal at the time. Raccoons, Opossums and Armadillos do not realize they are destroying our homes, they are just trying to find a safe haven to have their babies or get out from the weather. Should an animal enter your home please contact one of our seasoned techs to help safely relocate the animal and safeguard your home from future re-entry of other animals.
A fun fact that a lot of people do not realize is that animals even if removed from your residence leave behind a sent. This sent can be detected by another animal, once detected the new animal thinks it is a safe environment to call home.
The only way to truly safeguard your home is to not only relocated the animal to another area. It is also imperative that any holes be sealed properly and any sent be eliminated.
Don't fall victim call DPS today 772-204-3240